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I am an artist and researcher and a graduate of MIT's Art, Culture and Technology program. My work lies at the intersection of public art, interaction design and education. I repurpose found spaces, objects and practices to engage diverse communities in research, learning and meaning-making.

For my thesis, I created a practice-based research project, re-contextualising storytelling folk arts of Rajasthan to create locally-relevant arts-education in Jodhpur, India. My recent work advocates for the need of intangible culture in tackling socio-economic and environmental challenges.

Before coming to MIT, I worked at the Mehrangarh Fort & Museum, documenting Marwari women's oral histories and facilitating community outreach. As a grantee at the Gender Bender Festival in Bangalore, I co-founded the Kahi-Suni archive to document women's marriage migration in South Asia. I earned my undergraduate degree in Interaction Design Arts from University of the Arts London and travelled to Senegal for an art & design residency.

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